Tuesday, December 31, 2019

8 teams, 84 games - Part 5

We saw the grid and statistics for the initial layout in the previous part.  For a first step in making revisions it would be better to see exactly what we want to revise.  Parameters can be defined for each schedule that set the thresholds we want for the statistics, and the grid can show where something is outside the desired bounds.

Stats table

In this case the limits are:
  • games away = 42
  • games home = 42
  • paying streak <= 20
  • off streak <= 1
  • away streak <= 14
  • home streak <= 14
  • single series <= 8
  • dh = 0
  • 6 <= wknd_srs_h <= 7
Where values fall outside the limits the cell is highlighted orange.  Those are where there is something we want to adjust.  As we "fix" some things, others likely will "break", and it will be a continuing effort of trial-and-error making changes until the whole is satisfactory.

Highlight one team

We start by picking one team, like team # 3, and click on that button down in the header row of the stats table.  That box highlights as do all of the series in layout grid that involve team # 3.  Beyond that, all of the matchups involving team # 3 fill in the first three columns in what had been the empty spaces to the left of the layout grid.  That makes it easier to see all of the series of team # 3, and the highlighting of the team helps show its distribution of away and home series.

That 19-game homestand the stats table shows is obvious as the 6 straight home series from halfweek 4 through 9.  We will want to break up that one way or another.

The 5 straight single series from halfweek 16 through 20 make up most of the 9 counted in the stats table.  We will likely make changes to smooth out that travel plan.

The 8 weekend series at home is 1-2 more than the 6-7 we are targeting.  Along with the other changes, hopefully we will reach that goal.  Since team # 2 has only 4 home weekend series, it seems a good bet we will do swapping of series that ends up more balancing those totals.

About the coloring of the series games number on the left for halfweeks 5, 9, and 23...

The coloring is toward how the offday after the series relates to the current homestand.  It is used toward deciding whether to click the checkbox to shift a series a day later.

Green (halfweek 23) - Currently have offday in middle of homestand, but can adjust to to put offday on "travel" day.  I would want to move this.  The green series is home Mon-Wed following Fri-Sun on the road and preceeding Fri-Sun at home.  Shifting the green series to Tue-Thu, then you would have the offday between the series away and the series at home rather than within the homestand.

Red (halfweek 9) - Currently have offday immediately preceeding beginning of roadtrip.  I would not want to move this.  Moving the red series from Mon-Wed to Tue-Thu would put the offday within the homestand and begin a roadtrip after the homestand without an offday in between.

Brown (halfweek 5) - There are either both away series or both home series before and after the brown series.  So moving this series to put the offday before it rather than after it does not really change anything for the team itself.  Some of the brown I will move, just to mix up where the offdays fall.

The tweaks of moving the 3-game series like that will not be done until the task work on the schedule.

Highlight a second team

To start changing things around and swapping series, the selected team needs to have a dance partner.  We can pick someone, like team # 4.  We click on the team # 4 button down in the header row of the stats table, and...

Now we are focused on those two teams.  The layout grid has only the matchups between team # 3 and team # 4 highlighted.  Both teams have their series filling the columns on the left.

Our main action in refining the schedule will be swapping matchups between a pair of teams like we have highlighted with team # 3 and team # 4.  We can trade any of their matchups with any other of their matchups.

We push the "m" button beside a series triplet, and it becomes highlighted red.  I pick the very last series between the teams at the end of the schedule.

Then when we press the "m" button beside another series triplet, that series and one previously selected switch places.  I pick their matchup a couple weeks before the previously selected.

What effect did that swap have?  Look at the stats table now...  It decreased the "single series" count, particularly for team # 4.  But it also gave a "dh" to both teams because halfweeks 21 and 22 are now both 4-game series for those two teams, meaning 8 games in 7 days.  Maybe that was a net good change, and maybe it was not.  We could change those teams' other series in the other half of the week to be 3-game series, which will involve a cascade of further changes.  Those may be good, or maybe it would be better to make different changes.  There will be mis-steps, changes made then undone.  It is part of the process.

Next steps...

March, march, march.  Try this, try that.

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