With a gap of over 3 years in this series, I have forgotten what all I intended to include in this series. So extending the "ta-da" jump to the end of the grid work in the previous part, I am jumping to the end of the process here. Basically I will just hand-wave on how I get from completed grid from the previous entry to the file that can be used by the game.
Where I last left off I had the grid all worked out in the webpage. That webpage was when I did a bit of Javascript learning - just enough to get the page to do the main things I wanted. For "export" of the grid content, all I did was make that "Console" button that will dump the data into the browser developer console. So I have to hit F12 to bring up the Developer Tools, choose the Console tab, and copy the info dumped there. I can then paste than into basically a text file from which I can do subsequent work. That is my "adjusted" grid file.
The webpage showed a variety of stats used to show the details for the characteristics I want to set. But I have a separate stats processing script that computes those same things and more. I run that over the adjusted data to make sure everything looks good.
Another script takes the input of that grid and produces the LSDL file for the game. I have the details that go into the header section of the LSDL file in a configuration file, so that info gets pulled in from there and plugged in the file as it is built. Comments to describe the schedule can also be pulled in to include them in the file.
There is one detail not yet addressed at all in the prepartion - gametimes. Rather than tuck in discussion of that here, I will save it for its own post and simply say that some decision is made for each each game. Most simply that could be using the same default value like 7pm, but through configuration there can be other options made available.
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