So far we have been building only for a single division. But this matchup generating scheme can be used also to set up interdivision and interleague matchups where the opposing divisions/leagues have the same number of teams.
In this example we will work with two 10-team divisions. That makes it easy to recognize the corresponding teams in the two division - i.e., team 1 in the first division corresponds to team 11 in the other division, 2 corresponds to 12, 3 corresponds to 13, etc.
The first step is layout the intradivision matchups for one division, just like was done in previous parts. In fact, we can go ahead and show for both divisions. The second division will simply be the mirror of the first.
1 v10 2 v 9 3 v 8 4 v 7 5 v 6 20 v11 19 v12 18 v13 17 v14 16 v15
1 v 9 10 v 8 2 v 7 3 v 6 4 v 5 19 v11 18 v20 17 v12 16 v13 15 v14
1 v 8 9 v 7 10 v 6 2 v 5 3 v 4 18 v11 17 v19 16 v20 15 v12 14 v13
1 v 7 8 v 6 9 v 5 10 v 4 2 v 3 17 v11 16 v18 15 v19 14 v20 13 v12
1 v 6 7 v 5 8 v 4 9 v 3 10 v 2 16 v11 15 v17 14 v18 13 v19 12 v20
1 v 5 6 v 4 7 v 3 8 v 2 9 v10 15 v11 14 v16 13 v17 12 v18 20 v19
1 v 4 5 v 3 6 v 2 7 v10 8 v 9 14 v11 13 v15 12 v16 20 v17 19 v18
1 v 3 4 v 2 5 v10 6 v 9 7 v 8 13 v11 12 v14 20 v15 19 v16 18 v17
1 v 2 3 v10 4 v 9 5 v 8 6 v 7 12 v11 20 v13 19 v14 18 v15 17 v16
We probably already made those for the intradivision matchups if we were doing a schedule for this configuration. Here we will use them to illustrate from where the interdivision matchups. Also we will only do single matchups and not worry about evening out home/away.
The first interdivision matchups we make outside the circle method by simply pairing up the corresponding teams in the two divisions because those cases of playing against their mirror teams are not represented in the circle.
1 v11 2 v12 3 v13 4 v14 5 v15 6 v16 7 v17 8 v18 9 v19 10 v20
Now we begin adding matchups defined from the circle method. There are a couple different ways to view what we will do, but I think it is simpler to think from the perspective of using the first division's intradivision matchups. Basically you take each matchup there and create two matchups by making replacements using the corresponding teams from the other division. What does that mean?
We can start with the very upper left from the intradivision matchups above. That matchup is 1 v 10. We use that as a template to make two new versions, one each replacing one of the first division teams with the corresponding team from the other division. So for 1 v 10 we make 1 v 20 and 11 v 10. The next matchup is 2 v 9, which produces 2 v 19 and 12 v 9. Fast-forwarding through the rest of the generation we get...
1 v20 11 v10 2 v19 12 v 9 3 v18 13 v 8 4 v17 14 v 7 5 v16 15 v 6
1 v19 11 v 9 10 v18 20 v 8 2 v17 12 v 7 3 v16 13 v 6 4 v15 14 v 5
1 v18 11 v 8 9 v17 19 v 7 10 v16 20 v 6 2 v15 12 v 5 3 v14 13 v 4
1 v17 11 v 7 8 v16 18 v 6 9 v15 19 v 5 10 v14 20 v 4 2 v13 12 v 3
1 v16 11 v 6 7 v15 17 v 5 8 v14 18 v 4 9 v13 19 v 3 10 v12 20 v 2
1 v15 11 v 5 6 v14 16 v 4 7 v13 17 v 3 8 v12 18 v 2 9 v20 19 v10
1 v14 11 v 4 5 v13 15 v 3 6 v12 16 v 2 7 v20 17 v10 8 v19 18 v 9
1 v13 11 v 3 4 v12 14 v 2 5 v20 15 v10 6 v19 16 v 9 7 v18 17 v 8
1 v12 11 v 2 3 v20 13 v10 4 v19 14 v 9 5 v18 15 v 8 6 v17 16 v 7
Again, we have not considered home/away balance here. That must be handled if there are not an even number of matchups that allow for the same number of games home and away. In other words, it is easy in a case like two 3-game series (one home and one away) against each interdivision opponent, but odder cases take more work.
Conceptually this may not be the easiest way to set up intradivision matchups. A significant benefit of doing things this way though is that it allows for easy swapping of matchups if that becomes useful sometime down the line in the development. E.g., take the matchups in the 7 v 8 variety, which includes teams 7, 8, 17, and 18. When one pair of those teams is playing within that set, the other two are also playing each other. E.g., when you have 7 v 18, you also have 8 v 17, and when you have 7 v 8, you also have 17 v 18. So if for some reason you wanted to do so, you could switch a case of 7 v 18 & 8 v 17 with 7 v 8 & 17 v 18.
In the next part we will look at a couple alternatives to the circle method that work in at least certain situations.
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